Some of Farmer's finest works are his short stories. All of the collections of his stories below are highly recommended.
- Short story collection:
- Mother
- Daughter
- Father
- Son (originally Queen of the Deep)
- My Sister's Brother (originally Open to Me, My Sister)
- The 2006 Baen edition includes the novels
- Paperback, Ballantine 391K, 1960. First Printing. Cover artist: Blanchard.
- Hardcover, Gollancz B64-06043, 1964. First British and only hardcover. Cover artist: Unknown.
- Paperback, Panther 02092-6, 1966. Cover artist: Unknown.
- Paperback, Equinox 20578, 1974. Cover artist: V. Calabrese.
- Paperback, Avon 41418-X, 1974. Cover artist: David Palladini.
- Paperback, Granada, 1982. Cover artist: George Underwood.
- Trade Paperback, Baen, 2006. Cover artist: Clyde Caldwell.
- Paperback, Baen, 2007. Cover artist: Clyde Caldwell. Buy from amazon
- Short story collection:
- Rastignac the Devil
- The Celestial Blueprint
- They Twinkled Like Jewels
- Totem and Taboo
- Paperback, Ace F-165, 1962 (one half of Ace Double). First Printing. Cover artist: Emsh.
- Paperback, Tor 48511-5, 1981 as THE CACHE, only Rastignac the Devil and They Twinkled Like Jewels. Cover artist: Eric Ladd.
- Paperback, Tor 48534-4, 1981 as THE CACHE, only Rastignac the Devil and They Twinkled Like Jewels. Cover artist: Eric Ladd.
- Paperback, Tor 53755-6, 1986 as THE CACHE, only Rastignac the Devil and They Twinkled Like Jewels. Cover artist: Eric Ladd.
- Short story collection:
- The Alley Man
- The Captain's Daughter
- The God Business
- Short story collection:
- Down in the Black Gang
- The Shadow of Space
- A Bowl Bigger than Earth
- Riverworld
- A Few Miles
- Prometheus
- The Blasphemers
- How Deep the Grooves
- Short story collection:
- My Sister's Brother
- Skinburn
- The Alley Man
- Father's in the Basement
- Toward the Beloved City
- Totem and Taboo
- Don't Wash the Carats
- The Sumerian Oath
- The Voice of the Sonar in my Vermiform Appendix
- Brass and Gold
- Only Who Can Make a Tree?
- An Exclusive Interview with Lord Greystoke
- Sexual Implications of the Charge of the Light Brigade
- The Obscure Life and Hard Times of Kilgore Trout
- Thanks for the Feast by Leslie Fiedler
- The Berkley and Granada versions add:
- The Last Rise of Nick Adams
- The Freshman
- Uproar in Acheron
- Paperback, DAW #63, 1973. First Printing. Cover artist: Jack Gaughan.
- Hardcover, Elmfield 0067-4, 1976. First British and only hardcover. Cover artist: Josh Kirby.
- Paperback, Berkley 05298, 1982 revised. Cover artist: James Warhola.
- Paperback, Granada 05656-4, 1983 revised. Cover artist: Richard Clifton-Dey.
- Short story collection:
- Riverworld
- J.C. on the Dude Ranch
- The Volcano
- The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol
- The Problem of Sore Bridge - Among Others
- Brass and Gold
- The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod
- The Voice of the Sonar in my Vermiform Appendix
- Monolog
- The Leaser of Two Evils
- The Phantom of the Sewers (originally Its the Queen of Darkness, Pal)
- Paperback, Berkley 04208-1, 1979. First Printing. Cover artist: Don Ivan Punchatz.
- Hardcover, Gregg 2618-4, 1981. First Hardcover. No Dust Jacket.
- Paperback, Granada 05379-4, 1981. Cover artist: Bruce Bennington.
- Paperback, Grafton 05379-4, 1986. Cover artist: Bruce Bennington.
This ebook edition includes:
Up the Bright River
Crossing the Dark River
The Source of the River
- Short story collection:
- The Night of Light
- A Few Miles
- Prometheus
- Father
- Attitudes
- Short story collection:
- The Two-Edged Gift
- The Startouched
- The Evolution of Paul Eyre
- Passing On
- Osiris on Crutches
- Short story collection:
- Greatheart Silver
- The Return of Greatheart Silver
- Greatheart Silver in the First Command
- Paperback, Tor 48535-2, 1982. First Printing. Cover artist: Howard Chaykin.
- Short story collection:
- The Oögenesis of Bird City
- Riders of the Purple Wage
- Spiders of the Purple Mage
- The Making of Revelation, Part I
- The Long Wet Purple Dream of Rip Van Winkle
- Paperback, Tor 48529-8, 1982. First Printing. Cover artist: Howard Chaykin.
- Short story collection:
- Sail On! Sail On!
- Mother
- The God Business
- The Alley Man
- My Sister's Brother
- The King of Beasts
- Publisher's Materials, Crown, 1984.
- Uncorrected Proof, Crown, 1984.
- Hardcover, Crown 55193-4, 1984. First Printing. Cover artist: Michael Booth.
- Hardcover, SFBC 5451, 1984. Cover artist: Michael Booth.
- Hardcover, Robson 333-5, 1985. First British printing. Cover artist: Michael Booth.
- Short story collection:
- The Shadow of Space
- Riders of the Purple Wage
- Don't Wash the Carats
- The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod
- The Oögenesis of Bird City
- Sketches Among the Ruins of my Mind
- The Sliced-Crosswise Only-on-Tuesday World
- After King Kong Fell
- Uncorrected Proof, Crown, 1984.
- Hardcover, Crown 55545-X, 1984. First Printing. Cover artist: Michael Booth.
- Hardcover, SFBC 1840, 1984. Cover artist: Michael Booth.
- Short story collection:
- The Shadow of Space
- A Bowl Bigger than Earth
- Sketches Among the Ruins of my Mind
- The Sliced-Crosswise Only-on-Tuesday World
- After King Kong Fell
- Totem and Taboo
- The Adventures of the Three Madmen
- Uncorrected Proof, Berkley, 1984.
- Hardcover Berkley 07212-5, 1984. First Printing. Cloth, No Dust Jacket.
- Paperback Berkley 07211-8, 1984. First Trade Printing. Cover artist: Mike Kaluta.
- Short story collection:
- One Down, One to Go
- UFO vs IRS
- The Making of Revelation, Part I
- The Long Wet Purple Dream of Rip Van Winkle
- Osiris on Crutches
- St. Francis Kisses His Ass Goodbye
- The Oögenesis of Bird City
- Riders of the Purple Wage
- Paperback, Tor, 1992. First Printing. Cover artist: David Hardy.
MYTHS FOR THE MODERN AGE: Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Universe
- Short story collection:
- Introduction: Myths for the Modern Age: Farmer’s Wold Newton Family and Shared Universe by Win Scott Eckert
- Wold-Newtonry: Theory and Methodology for the Literary Archaeology of the Wold Newton Universe by Dr. Peter M. Coogan
- The Arms of Tarzan
- The Secret History of Captain Nemo by Rick Lai
- From Pygmalion to Casablanca: The Higgins Genealogy by Mark K. Brown
- A Reply To "The Red Herring"
- The Daughters of Greystoke by Chuck Loridans
- The Green Eyes Have It - Or Are They Blue? or Another Case of Identity Recased by Christopher Paul Carey
- The Two Lord Ruftons
- Kiss of the Vampire by John A. Small
- Name of A Thousand Blue Demons by Cheryl L. Huttner
- The Great Korak-Time Discrepancy
- Asian Detectives in the Wold Newton Family by Dennis E. Power
- This Shadow Hanging Over Me Is No Trick Of The Light by Jess Nevins
- The Lord Mountford Mystery
- The Magnificent Gordons by Mark K. Brown
- The Legacy of the Fox: Zorro in the Wold Newton Universe by Matthew Baugh
- From ERB To Ygg
- Who's Going to Take Over the World When I'm Gone? by Win Scott Eckert
- Jungle Brothers, Or, Secrets Of The Jungle Lords by Dennis E. Power
- A Language For Opar
- Watching the Detectives, Or, The Sherlock Holmes Family Tree by Brad Mengel
- Fu Manchu Vs. Cthulhu by Rick Lai
- Jonathan Swift Somers III, Cosmic Traveller in a Wheelchair
- John Carter: Torn from Phoenician Dreams by Dennis E. Power and Dr. Peter M. Coogan
- D is for Daughter, F is for Father by Mark K. Brown
- The Monster on Hold
- Travels in Time by Loki Carbis
- A Review of Final Menacing Glimpses by Art Bollmann
- Trade Paperback, Monkeybrain, 2005. First Printing. Cover artist: John Picacio. Buy from MonkeyBrain Books
- Short story collection:
- The Lovers
- Sail On! Sail On!
- The God Business
- The Alley Man
- Mother
- My Sister's Brother
- The Shadow of Space
- Riders of the Purple Wage
- Don't Wash the Carats
- The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol
- The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod
- The Oögenesis of Bird City
- Riverworld
- The Sliced-Crosswise Only-on-Tuesday World
- Sketches Among the Ruins of my Mind
- The King of Beasts
- After King Kong Fell
- Uproar in Acheron
- The Making of Revelation, Part I
- One Down, One to Go
- An Interview with Lord Greystoke
- Advance Uncorrected Proof, Subterranean Press, 2006.
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2006. First Printing. Cover artist: Bob Eggleton.
- Short story collection:
- Nobody’s Perfect
- Wolf, Iron, and Moth
- Evil, Be My Good
- Mother Earth Wants You
- Opening the Door
- The Wounded
- Heel
- A Scarletin Study
- The Doge Whose Barque Was Worse Than His Bight
- Jonathan Swift Somers III: Cosmic Traveller in a Wheelchair
- Seventy Years of Decpop
- Fundamental Issue
- Some Fabulous Yonder
- Planet Pickers
- The Terminalization of J.G. Ballard
- The Blind Rowers
- Hunter's Moon
- The Rise Gotten
- The Good of the Land
- O’Brien and Obrenov
- Writing Doc’s Biography
- Savage Shadow
- Doc Savage and the Cult of the Blue God
- The Monster On Hold
- The Princess of Terra
- The Golden Age and the Brass
- An Appreciation of Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Arms of Tarzan
- The Two Lord Ruftons
- A Reply to "The Red Herring"
- The Great Korak Time Discrepancy
- The Lord Mountford Mystery
- From ERB to YGG
- A Language for Opar
- The Purple Distance
- The Source of the River
- A Rough Knight for the Queen
- The Journey as the Revelation of the Unknown
- The Josés from Rio
- Getting A-Long with Heinlein
- God’s Hat
- To Forry Ackerman, the Wizard of Sci-Fi
- Pornograms and Supercomputers
- A Review of the 1977 Anthology Chrysalis
- Review of The Prometheus Project
- Review of How the Wizard Came to Oz
- Oft Have I Travelled
- White Whales, Raintrees, Flying Saucers
- IF R.I.P.
- The Tin Woodman Slams the Door
- Witches and Gnomes and Talking Animals, Oh My
- Suffer A Witch to Live
- Imagination
- The Pterodactyl
- Sestina of the Space Rocket
- Beauty in This Iron Age
- In Common
- Black Squirrel on Cottonwood Limb’s Tip
- Job’s Leviathan
- Maps and Spasms
- Religion and Myths
- Creating Artificial Worlds
- Phonemics
- Lovers and Otherwise
- A Fimbulwinter Introduction
- On A Mountain Upside Down
- Advance Uncorrected Proof, Subterranean Press, 2006. Cover artist: Keith Howell & Charles Berlin.
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2006. First Printing. Cover artist: Keith Howell & Charles Berlin.
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2006. Second Printing. Cover artist: Keith Howell & Charles Berlin. Buy from Subterranean Press
- Short story collection:
- The Face that Launched a Thousand Eggs
- The Unnaturals
- That Great Spanish Author, Ernesto
- I Still Live (speech)
- Hayy ibn Yaqzam by Abu ibn Tufayl
- Why Do I Write?
- The Essence of the Poison
- The Doll Game
- Keep Your Mouth Shut
- The Frames
- The Light-Hog Incident (novel fragment)
- A Spy in the U.S. of Gonococcia
- The Rebels Unthawed
- A Peoria Night
- Advance Uncorrected Proof, Subterranean Press, 2007. Cover artist: Keith Howell & Charles Berlin.
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2007. First Printing. Cover artist: Keith Howell & Charles Berlin.
- Short story collection:
- Why and How I Became Kilgore Trout
- VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL by Kilgore Trout
- The Obscure Life and Hard Times of Kilgore Trout
- The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod
- The Problem of the Sore Bridge - Among Others by Harry Manders
- The Volcano by Paul Chapin
- Osiris on Crutches by Leo Queequeg Tincrowder
- The Phantom of the Sewers by Rod Keen
- A Hole in Hell by Dane Helstrom
- The Last Rise of Nick Adams by Codwainer Bird
- The Impotency of Bad Karma by Cordwainer Bird. The original version, later rewritten as "The Last Rise of Nick Adams". Lettered Edition only.
- Advance Uncorrected Proof, Subterranean Press, 2007
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2008. First Printing. Cover artist: Bob Eggleton.
- Collection:
- Editor's Preface by Michael Croteau
- Foreword by Paul Malmont
- The Bite of the Asp by Randall Garrett
- Newly Born, Newly Dead by Philip José Farmer
- It Could Make a Great Fantasy by Laura Wilkes Carey
- My Summer Husband by Philip José Famer
- Sail On! Sail On! by Philip José Farmer
- Read On! Read On! by James Gunn
- Comment on “Sail On! Sail On!” by Philip José Farmer
- The Legend of Mishiwapo by Philip José Farmer
- Philip José Farmer’s Adventures in Hollywood by Jack Mertes
- Bordering on the Absurd by Danny Adams
- Infamy by Edward Morris
- Le Maréchal by Paul Spiteri
- The Pollinators by Rhys Hughes
- Is He in Hell? by Win Scott Eckert
- The Blakeney Family Tree by Win Scott Eckert
- No Trees of Earth by David Bischoff
- A Kick in the Side by Christopher Paul Carey
- Flesh Endures by Dennis E Power
- The Final Flight of Greatheart Silver by Chris Roberson
- A Writer’s Prayer by Philip José Farmer
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2010. First Printing. Cover artist: Keith Howell. Buy from Meteor House
- Short story collection:
- Attitudes
- How Deep the Grooves
- The Blasphemers
- A Bowl Bigger Than Earth
- Down in the Black Gang
- The Voice of the Sonar in My Vermiform Appendix
- Father’s in the Basement
- Toward the Beloved City
- Skinburn
- The Sumerian Oath
- Extracts from the Memoirs of Lord Greystoke
- The Two-Edged Gift
- Saint Francis Kisses His Ass Goodbye
- Crossing the Dark River
- Up the Bright River
- Coda
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2010. First Printing. Cover artist: Bob Eggleton. Buy from Subterranean Press
- Collection:
- Editor's Preface by Michael Croteau
- Foreword by Greg Bear
- What I Thought I Heard by Philip José Farmer
- Strangers & Brothers: Pitch to Publishers by Philip José Farmer
- Strangers & Brothers: Francis Uquart by Philip José Farmer
- Remembering Vern by Philip José Farmer
- The Importance of Being Unsophisticated by Charles Platt
- A Slender Tribute to a Big Man by Philip José Farmer
- Repopulating Oz by James Sallis
- Faith in 2097 by Philip José Farmer
- Religion in the Life and Work of Philip José Farmer: Through the Eyes of His Grandson by Thomas José Josephsohn
- Mark Twain and Kurt Vonnegut versus Free Will by Philip José Farmer
- From Rebellious Rationalist to Mythmaker and Mystic: The Religious Quest of Philip José Farmer by Edgar L. Chapman
- Dog Day Evening by Spider Robinson
- For the Articles by Bradley H. Sinor
- The Wolff that One Hears . . . by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier
- The Beast Erect by Mary A. Turzillo
- Into Time’s Abyss by John Allen Small
- Kwasin and the Bear God by Philip José Farmer & Christopher Paul Carey
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2011. First Printing. Cover artist: Laura Givens. Buy from Meteor House
THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3: Portraits of a Trickster
- Collection:
- Editor's Preface by Michael Croteau
- Foreword by Frederik Pohl
- Missing the Wit and Creativity by Michael Bailey
- Down in Phil Farmer’s Basement by Steven Connelly
- Over All, After All by Philip José Farmer
- The Holy Spirit of Science Fiction by Bruce Sterling
- A Box of Influence by Chris Garcia
- Wild Weird Clime by Philip José Farmer
- To Be, or Not to Be by Tom Wode Bellman
- Trout Masque Rectifier by Jonathan Swift Somers III
- Kilgore, Kurt, and Me by David M. Harris
- The Many Dooms of Harold Hall" by Charlotte Corday-Marat
- Desires Denied by Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor
- Osiris on Crutches by Philip José Farmer & Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor
- The Genuine Imposter by Rick Lai
- The Long Wet Dream of Rip van Winkle by Philip José Farmer
- Up, Out, and Over, Roger by Philip José Farmer
- The Wild Huntsman by Win Scott Eckert
- Dakota’s Gate by Heidi Ruby Miller
- The Last of the Guaranys by Octavio Aragão & Carlos Orsi
- Trickster of the Apes by S.M. Stirling
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2012. First Printing. Cover artist: Keith Howell. Buy from Meteor House
- Collection:
- Introduction by Win Scott Eckert and Christopher Paul Carey
- The Problem of Sore Bridge - Among Others by Philip José Farmer
- A Scarletin Study by Philip José Farmer
- The Doge Whose Barque Was Worse Than His Bight by Philip José Farmer
- Skinburn by Philip José Farmer
- The Freshman by Philip José Farmer
- After King Kong Fell by Philip José Farmer
- Kwasin and the Bear God Philip José Farmer and Christopher Paul Carey
- Into Time's Abyss by John Allen Small
- The Last of the Guaranys by Octavio Aragão & Carlos Orsi
- The Wild Huntsman by Win Scott Eckert
- Trade Paperback, Titan Books, 2013. First Printing. Cover artist: Unknown. Buy from amazon
- Collection:
- Foreword by Robert Silverberg
- The Case of the Curious Contradiction by Terry Bibo
- Eleven Days in Springtime by François Mottier
- Philip José Farmer Conquirt L’Univers Postface by Philip José Farmer
- Pecon 2 Guest of Honor Speech by Philip José Farmer
- Samdroo and the Grassman by Martin Gately
- Whiteness of the Whale by Danny Adams
- Ite, Missa Est by Paul Spiteri
- Antlers of Flesh by E. C. Lisic
- The Goddess Equation by Christopher Paul Carey
- A Carmody-Raspold Chronology by Christopher Paul Carey
- Letter of Discord by Philip José Farmer
- For Where Your Treasure Is by Art Sippo
- Moth and Rust by Philip José Farmer
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2014. First Printing. Cover artist: Laura Givens. Buy from Meteor House
- Collection:
- Introduction by Michael Croteau
- The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer by Bette Farmer
- The Farmerian Holmes by Win Scott Eckert
- Excessively Diverted, Or, Coming to Pemberley House by Win Scott Eckert
- Only a Coincidence: Phileas Fogg, Philip José Farmer, and the Wold Newton Family by Win Scott Eckert
- Gribardsun through the Ages by Win Scott Eckert & Dennis E. Power
- When Day Breaks the Stone God Awaits by Dennis E. Power
- Philip José Farmer and The Case of the Two Jungle Lords by Dennis E. Power
- Bibliophile–The Other Log of Phileas Fogg by Paul Spiteri
- Bibliophile–Jesus on Mars by Paul Spiteri
- Bibliophile–Lord Tyger by Paul Spiteri
- Through the Seventh Gate by Christopher Paul Carey
- The Archaeology of Khokarsa by Christopher Paul Carey
- The Magic Filing Cabinet and The Missing Page by Christopher Paul Carey
- A Box Within a Box: Philip José Farmer as Maxwell Grant as… by Danny Adams
- Remembering the Eyre Incident Three Decades Later by Danny Adams
- Star Trek’s Loss Is Your Gain From Screen Treatment To Short Story by Danny Adams
- I Still Live! 75th Anniversary Dinner Keynote Address by Philip José Farmer
- Hayy ibn Yaqzam by Abu ibn Tufayl An Arabic Mowgli by Philip José Farmer
- Why Do I Write? by Philip José Farmer
- The Brueckel/Harwood Letter by Philip José Farmer
- White Whales, Raintrees, Flying Saucers by Philip José Farmer
- Sherlock Holmes & Sufism—& Related Subjects by Philip José Farmer
- Jongor in the Wold Newton Family by Philip José Farmer
- Wild Weird Clime: Balticon 11 Guest of Honor Speech by Philip José Farmer
- Doc Wildman’s Coat of Arms by Philip José Farmer
- Buddha Contemplates His Novel Or, God and Humankind Redefined by Philip José Farmer
- Essex House, Tarzan and Time’s Last Gift by Bob Zeuschner
- The Trickster Awakens: Philip José Farmer and Venus on the Half-Shell by Tracy Knight
- On a Riverboat with the Farmers by Gary K. Wolfe
- Heritage of the Flaming God A Classic Essay, Long Forgotten, Inspired Farmer by Alan Hanson
- Caliban by Will Murray
- Phil & Bette Farmer, Jack London, a Wife and a Baby, a Clean Well Lighted Hotel Room by Joe R. Lansdale
- Sketches from the Ruins of my Mind by Robert R. Barrett
- Smoke Gets In Your Nose by Spider Robinson
- On Not Going There by Howard Waldrop
- We Were Introduced by Sherlock Holmes by George H. Scheetz
- Escape from Loki Again, and Again, and Again… by Steve Mattsson
- Bibliophile—Tongues of the Moon by Heidi Ruby Miller
- To Be, or Not to Be by Tom Wode Bellman
- A Whale of a Time by Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor
- This Played in Peoria? by Art Sippo
- The Voice of Farmer in My Vermiform Appendix by Rhys Hughes
- Writing Graceland by Allen Steele
- The Face that Launched a Thousand Eggs by Philip José Farmer
- The Unnaturals by Philip José Farmer
- That Great Spanish Author, Ernesto by Philip José Farmer
- The Essence of the Poison by Philip José Farmer
- The Doll Game by Philip José Farmer
- Keep Your Mouth Shut by Philip José Farmer
- The Frames by Philip José Farmer
- The Light-Hog Incident by Philip José Farmer
- A Spy in the U.S. of Gonococcia by Philip José Farmer
- The Rebels Unthawed by Philip José Farmer
- A Peoria Night by Philip José Farmer
- The First Robot by Philip José Farmer
- Duo Miaule by Philip José Farmer
- Getting Ready to Write (with Paul Spiteri)
- Hardcover, Meteor House, 2017. First Printing. Cover artist: Keith Howell. Buy from Meteor House
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2017. First Printing. Cover design: Keith Howell. Buy from Meteor House
- Collection:
- Introduction by Joe R. Lansdale
- Foreword by Tracy Knight
- The 1940s
- Bradley Brave Sees New York
- O’Brien and Obrenov
- Imagination
- The 1950s
- The Lovers
- Sail On! Sail On!
- Sestina of the Space Rocket
- Mother
- Lovers and Otherwise
- Attitudes
- Totem and Taboo
- The Tin Woodman Slams the Door
- The 1960s
- On a Mountain Upside Down
- Uproar in Acheron
- The King of the Beasts
- Riverworld
- The Blind Rowers
- Riders of the Purple Wage
- The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod
- My Father the Ripper (an excerpt from A Feast Unknown)
- Kickaha’s Escape (an excerpt from A Private Cosmos)
- The Josés From Rio
- The 1970s
- Only Who Can Make a Tree
- The Sliced-Crosswise-Only-On-Tuesday World
- An Exclusive Interview with Lord Greystoke
- Sketches Among The Ruins of My Mind
- After King Kong Fell
- Writing Doc’s Biography
- Sherlock Holmes & Sufism
- The Problem of the Sore Bridge—Among Others
- To the Wizard of Sci-Fi
- A Fimbulwinter Introduction
- Osiris on Crutches
- Phonemics
- The Last Rise of Nick Adams
- The Freshman
- Creating Artificial Worlds
- The 1980s
- The Making of Revelation, Part 1
- Buddha Contemplates His Novel
- The Long Wet Dream of Rip van Winkle
- The Man Who Came for Christmas
- Plane Talking (an excerpt from A Barnstormer in Oz)
- The Peoria-Colored Writer
- Memoir
- Why and How I Became Kilgore Trout
- St. Francis Kisses His Ass Goodbye
- The 1990s
- Evil, Be My Good
- Wolf, Iron, and Moth
- Why Do I Write?
- A Hole in Hell
- More than Most
- Casting Turtles (an excerpt from Nothing Burns in Hell)
- The 2000s
- The Face That Launched a Thousand Eggs
- Keep Your Mouth Shut
- The Good of the Land
- The First Robot
- The Princess of Terra
- That Great Spanish Author, Ernesto
- The Terminalization of J. G. Ballard
- The Light-Hog Incident
- Bibliography by Zacharias L.A. Nuninga
- Hardcover, Deluxe Limited Edition Hardcover, Meteor House, 2018. First Printing. Cover artist: Mark Wheatley. Buy from Meteor House
- Hardcover, Meteor House, 2018. First Printing. Cover artist: Mark Wheatley. Buy from Meteor House
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2018. First Printing. Cover design: Mark Wheatley. Buy from Meteor House